There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck
Friday, December 11
A COVID Life - This is the End
Friday, November 20
A COVID LIFE - Creativity - Drawing - ART!
Today is only art. Things that I have pulled out of my swirly creative mind into colors and content.
These images are a bit of a collection from a journaling class that started in March 2020, the beginning of lock down. I didn’t know what else to do with my time and signed up for an Art Journaling class. This proved to serve me well in the beginning. But consequently, it took my curiosity on a wild ride of online lessons regarding the software I use currently for work, so the journaling got left in the dust.
The following images are from a series of classes that were centered around archetypes and feelings.
Friday, November 6
A COVID LIFE - Creative Endeavors
A COVID LIFE - Creative Endeavors
Who am I? I am a creative, an artist, it is my core self. It's my core operating system. I am inherently incapable of consistent linear thinking. It's a brain, DNA thing. I attempt, write, and analyze but this has to be done in spurts, which is why my blog is stagnant. I haven't entered art that I have been doing during COVID.Art for clients is GREAT! I love being paid for using my talents, but art for myself seems to sit on the back burner. I have decided to incorporate that into my blog... What does art mean to me? What does it represent? How do I use my creative talents for myself?
Cooking, sewing, writing bad poetry, taking pictures, makeup, painting, doing digital art, creating oracle cards, and more! I have been art journaling since lockdown and some amazing things have come out of it. This is all on a purely personal level, but it lifted my spirits time and time again. This action of personal expression has given me insight into what was lost through the constant distraction of creating art for 'others' (clients friends, etc.).
My post this week is a hand-drawn logo client. I was actually amazed that the client was so thrilled with the final outcome. A heartfelt reminder that I am an artist, always have been. Embracing more of that in my personal time needs to be a priority moving forward.
This is the art that I have done for myself recently. An emotion that has come up time and again around our election and the way the disease has been handled in America.
Expressing our inner selves is cathartic. It's necessary. It's needed. It's healthy. Also, be aware that we are ALL creative in our own ways, and explore how to do more of that. It gives us hope and helps to keep love alive inside of us. Now go grab a pencil and a piece of paper and draw. <3
Friday, October 16
A COVID Life - Interruptions and Zoom Etiquette

They happen! Today, during a very important zoom presentation, the inevitable happened... KNOCK KNOCK - Property Management team here to check on your Property! My level of frustration exploded like a volcano, but when the middle of explaining your expertise to a client, you have to roll with it and watch what you say.
But wait, there is more! You may see cartwheels behind you (TY Abbeys Daughter), the SNACK visits (from my son), the dogs barking, the cats who are ALWAYS curious, or a roommate/partner that tries to desperately distract you with some sexy gaze, the guys outside your window cutting down a tree, or even the neighbors wailing baby who just wasn't having any of it.
Interruptions happen, and actually are inevitable (and honestly sometimes a saving grace).
How do you handle these situations? There are multiple ways we have to get around the daily interruptions when working from home. Online meetings are so GREAT but they can provide unique challenges we must navigate despite having clear boundaries, life isn't perfect. (thankfully).
After experiencing most of these, I wanted to share a few tips that I have learned about Zoom Etiquette:
1. Don't over-explain - Life happens, people. Even professionals that do live filming have times when they are put in awkward situations (we have seen the YouTube clips, we know). Mute your mic, turn off the video and deal with it.
2. Roll with the situation - IF you can't go off-camera during this minor delay, acknowledge the occurrence, and if you are witty enough, make a relevant comment and then keep going!
3. KEEP GOING! - Get back on topic as quickly as possible. Don't allow self-doubt or frustration to derail your awesomeness.
4. PRACTICE Ahead of time - If you have the opportunity to do so, practice ahead of time, just in case. You never know if what will happen, and if prepared, it will be easier to get back to the topic.
5. Exude Confidence - A healthy dose of self-confidence is always the best presentation outfit. Wear something that makes you feel confident if need be (as long as it's appropriate and can be worn in public too.)
6: What's behind you matters - Backgrounds matter. NO matter what people say? They do. Sometimes people will be so distracted by what's behind you, they forget to listen. Spend a wee bit of time making sure you are satisfied with your surroundings.
7. Record Yourself - spend some time recording your own videos to see what others are seeing on screen. How do you look? How do you sound? make notes and do it again.
8. Most of all? Just be You - Be the best version of yourself in a transparent matter, because this will reflect your energy into your message, and your passion is more likely to come to life if you feel comfortable.
Explore all these options and try a few of your own to see what fits into your wheelhouse. Try to make it a habit, no matter who you are on screen with! You may think that just chatting with friends this would not be as important. BUT the more you make a ritual out of doing things consciously, the easier it will be when you are surprised by an unwanted guest or knock of any kind.
And you will be ZOOM-tastic! Guaranteed.
Friday, October 9
A COVID Life - Down to the Wire
I have been spending months educating myself on the process, dealings, learning, skill sets, etc. As a result, my feeds are filled with auto-generating ads. Learn this, grow here, don't get left behind! I have been excited and put in hours of class time across various platforms, and coaching fields. This week finally getting my question full front, "What do I really want to do?" draw.. relax... draw more... write poetry, inspire people, and feel a part of a team.
There is a real sense of achievement when you know you are going to have others to be there growing with you. Doing things alone is great, but when you have goals or deadlines, and a team around you to share the whines, woes, and wins, that makes it so much more alive.
What team am I a part of? I have multiple clients that are friends, and clients that aren't on a personal level. The nice thing about personal clients, you are feeding your community. They feed you and you feed them back. But sometimes it gets stagnant and you can't be the voice they need you to be when decision times come around. This is where I am trying to branch out.
My years of experience have brought me through so many different clientele, that I feel I'm ready for almost any client's needs. But do I present that with confidence? What holds me back? Why am I waiting until the last minute to be brave? Or until things seem like I am not forceful enough to complete the tasks?
Me. That's what! How is it that I am not screaming my skillset in a larger setting? This pattern isn't about failure. This pattern is about self-awareness and thinking I need to 'fit the mold' of what the others may be offering. COVID life has left me feeling isolated, and all my contacts are online. Which is great, but it's only half of the needs. And living with a child that is completely self-isolating is a rough bit too.
This week I have felt the pressure of this pandemic lifestyle, thinking, I seem to keep running but not getting to the finish line. I feel like I am distracting myself with this lack of clarity, and putting off the work of combining and writing out my plan. Learning is amazing, and it's necessary. But action is energy and moves things forward.
I just joined a womens group to help me find some words and feelings around fixing and aligning what I want! The encouragement of the day? Dare to be yourself. Dare to put it out there. Dare to be seen for what you can do. Dare to brave out the unknown. Dare to trust. Dare to live outside of what is seen. Dare to run with a larger more experienced crowd.
Down to the wire? Yes I feel this is the day when I can bring this experience to people in a voice that is unique to me, and also, helps others see their products, or visions in a way thats unique for them.
But since its Friday? Maybe I will use my newly acquired pens and markers to draw out my plans. Visually.
Friday, October 2
There have been days during the COVID Life where the conversation between me and the computer has been overly animated... or the router, or the tape dispenser... you get the idea. Working on my stress management with inanimate object dialogue, but what if?
This isn't the first time I have mentioned this during the COVID pandemic either. The use of my time in critiquing the 'shows' I watch is not well spent, and practice in dialogue rewrites which actually could pan out in real-time conversations with potential clients. (or so I tell myself).
Presenting your ideas to those that are wanting to know what your service offerings are is definitely an art that organically shifts landscapes from client to client, even in a niche field. The communication needs of each vary depending upon their environmental experience, education, and years in business. Whether the client knows what they want from a creative, or even HOW to get what they want from a creative!
I am actively cultivating a services list based on my experience. A term that is becoming more familiar now as 'productized services'. The goal is to try to create a full agency feeling from a single entity freelance business. This hopefully will lead to partnering with support people that are of equal experience who can help balance out your weaker sides. But how to even get started still comes from a 'conversation', an engagement of words.
I have been a freelancer for quite some time but as a sole designer, production, and admin. This brought around a certain amount of exhaustion, and that lead me to the desire to find an easier more linear way to do my business.
Someone I work with sent me an email saying, "Someone else here is seeking out a similar partner situation as you! Are you interested in meeting them?"
This lead to a very lovely but initially awkward meeting with someone that I hope to partner with. After the 'let's get to know each other' part, we got on the same page. Learning to navigate situations like this will require consistent 3 party conversations. I hope to not get stuck in what I feel I know, and what I still have to learn around the business, sharing a creative space where we both have a say that can balance the requirements.
Thankfully the tech world is a beautiful thing and it keeps us connected in lockdown refining these skills and practicing on your inanimate objects because technically it's all atoms anyway. Eventually, the exact right grouping will lead to a successful culmination and presentation. So in a more abstract and not solid form way, I hope this regrouping of energy leads us to bring visually appealing and market-savvy solutions for people's businesses, including our own.
I have huge gratitude for all the atoms that have supported me during COVID!!! or been there to stub my toe, or let me sleep on them.. or... hahaha
Thankfully its Friday. Time to accomplish some downtime.
Thursday, September 24
A COVID LIfe - Graphic Artist Woahs... and WINS!
A client asked me the other day if being a good designer is something you are born with or is it learned. It was a very lovely conversation that I love having. Of course, you are born with it. Anyone can learn the skill, and it's getting much easier now with prepared templates and graphics everywhere. But a designer's eye will catch what you miss.
It's hard to say what will catch everyone's eye because now everyone can be their own designer. We have access to so many free templates and software, that we forget designers are trained to do this and have years of experience. Plus they design while they are sleeping, eating waking, etc. We observe the world around us in a symmetrical sense and apply this perspective to all our creative endeavors.
And, in an age where EVERYONE has a style and/or opinion, their attitudes land with a very entitled perspective. Trying to maintain a professional perspective is the way to approach any situation, as they are the client with the budget and money to spend. But it leads to an "I know what looks better than you." response to many many many jobs I do. Sadly half of the work I do, will not end up in my portfolio for that very reason.
This week alone, I have had two clients come to me that wanted a 'redesign' from hiring someone that didn't know what they are doing, so that's a huge bonus having clients that know you can 'fix it'. But is that my target market? NOt a huge moneymaker but fun to see happy clients no matter where you get them from.
Thankfully, I am pulling in clients during COVID life that are starting fresh in an online business, or putting their current business on a digital platform. Its blissfully forced me to rethink my own presentation, and I will be hiring out to have a 'designer' do that for me, because just like the cobblers kids who have no shoes, I consistently put my website on the back burner.
This COVID life has awoken me to my flaws in business, my assets, and my needs. I have come to learn that when presenting yourself as a designer to new clients, you cherry-pick a limited portfolio that reflects the specific clients 'outlook'. This seems to sell better than blanketing all your work in front of them. It also allows them to feel a more streamlined approach to working with you.
So, be wary of your boundaries, know what you can and can not offer before saying yes, and have some really finite boundaries on your time! As designers, we all get lost in the design process, because it is so fun, and sometimes this fun leads to ideas for other projects, but you don't want to be left overworking yourself, and losing some clients that are willing to allow you to be the boss.
What we know is a valuable asset. What we sell is a vision. What others gain from our work is an Audience. Make sure the ticket price fits the amount of sweat you put into it.
Thursday, September 10
A COVID LIFE - I am a Client

As I am working through my steps to upgrading my business offerings, I came to a very valid revelation! I am a CLIENT!
I have been a freelancer since 2011, when the ‘final straw’ was placed into the camels back and I was set free to ramble on my own creative path.
I am thankful to have such a life as a single mother I could make my own hours, and have time for my child. Consequently, a large part of my energy was spent focusing on the needs of others, and creating a proper business profile was on the back burner. This conditioning created a work ethic that was prevalent for a few years. A survivalist mode that kept me running and jumping at everyones request, no matter my personal needs. Peace of mind for clients, family and friends was the MO.
With COVID slowing everyone down for business, I found the opportunity to dive into my desires of upgrading my skill set and buckling down to create a well rounded professional services business. This lockdown provided the freedom to develop a plan, focus on my ‘wants’, and start educating myself to the industry changes. My chance to be seen in a more professional and authoritative light.
That being said, there is still a lingering “knee jerk response” to my clients demands even when I am in the middle working on building my business. But today, knowing I am on a personal deadline, I realized something important. I even said out loud, “I am a CLIENT!!” I proceeded to allow myself to feel that internally and demand that as a boundary to hold tight. I can arrange client work and include myself in that schedule, and relieve the energetic disruption of ‘client first’ because I am one.
AND understanding that we each want to have more comfortable and adult experiences with clients, this is a necessary action for my sanity. It will also benefit my clients because I am showing a level of respect to my brand by creating and continually updating a platform that is trust worthy, helpful and authoritative. With the ultimate goal of continuing to grow nurturing and responsive business relationships that bring added value to the world with integrity.
So, I am not really a Verruca Salt but, I am my own client! I will stomp my little flip flops down the road to making that a permanent goal for myself.
I am so grateful for all those that have administered assistance to me in gaining and growing knowledge. I intend to spread that around as I grow as well.
Friday, September 4
A COVID life - Shower Epiphanies
Today the GREATEST idea in the shower. now I am out and BAM its gone. vanished. YIKES!!!
I hope it's retrieved later in the day but seriously, I needed a solution!! What can I do to stop THAT from happening to my aging brain!? I searched for an answer and found... Aqua Notes; the resolution. And I felt vindicated, and also one step nearer answers of how to organize my free-range creative thoughts.
So, in tangent with this shower epiphany, I realize that EVERYTHING can be available to you and if it's not? You create it and offer it to others. Leading me to, the question phase, what is my contribution? How do I realize it? Also, if its already being done, how do I do this differently?
Ultimately I am a creative. My mindset is DNA based on 'creating' or manifesting the dreams of my clients in a visual form. Easy right? It can be.
The real-life work experience has been so varied. I have been a chef, bartender, pool maintenance, manager, caregiver, ad manager, sales - retail, multilevel marketing, and B2B, Artist, back up singer, pirate (no wait... previous lifetime)... an intuitive, but the main drive for me since childhood has been in creativity; video, web design/work, writing, graphic art, and fine art. I am the "Jack of all" trades looking to master just one, which seems like a perfect resolution.
The answer is finding the voice that resonates with my clients. Writing it out and lining up the needs of the masses while aligning myself with those needs. Productively. Having these talents and experiences more streamlined is the most appealing road that can be traveled.
So with this in mind, I align myself to those that have greater experiences with FOCUS!!!! Learning and providing solutions to my own needs. Listing out my services, and seeking some support through finding answers with admin and self-generating procedures, which is challenging to focus on for an intuitive/creative person!
But just like with the Aqua-Notes, my solutions will be simple and straight forward. I will acquire this team to help my dream of helping others be more creative or realize their creative needs. And allow the epiphanies to keep on rolling into my life.
With structure.
Friday, August 14
A Covid Life - The Avocado Timing
There is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time.Desmond Tutu
Friday, August 7
A COVID Life - Obstacles by Choice
This has become a question I ask before saying yes to any new project. Away from the old regime of handling business and heading into the new has been my primary focus since lockdown in March 2020.
Methods? Wake up, see the wall, dismantle the wall sounds simple. A black and white methodology for accomplishing business. Right? But then your mind gets distracted by emotions, and choices start presenting themselves in a combination that adds a LOT of greys. Time to restructure and explore.
During COVID 19 being in lockdown, this life inside walls has reduced our free-range human wanderings. It has also presented to us silver linings... Confinement, Confusion = Creation. My pure creativity is something I have neglected when distracted by my preCOVID life. Last on the list by choice.
We have an increased amount of screen time, internet, and social media, I began to notice a rise in images of personal creations by friends and strangers. Choosing to find creative ways to pass the time, ie; the food they made, or clothes, paintings, beauty tips, intuitive, churches, engineers, woodworkers, local artisans, I became inspired!
As a professional (cough cough) artist, I felt a surge of the need to update my skillset and now was the time to accomplish it! A few years ago, I began watching Behance (Adobes Learning platform). This choice was to observe work by other designers, also to gather intel. How far behind was I? I chose not to focus on that.
As we went into shutdown, the choice was removed. The majority of business has relocated to a digital platform. I am in that world, time to beef up. YIKES!! My requirements to educate and assimilate escalated quickly. Thankfully this obstacle was capable of being circumvented!
In I went, accessing LinkedIn, Behance, YouTubers, and the list of my online webinars and is deep. BUT is this a distraction? or an asset? Most often I feel like I go down the rabbit hole of information and gather data that is just put in storage, but is that a good use of my time? What was that choice assisting me with?
I had an epiphany moment in one of my ramblings with my current business coach. I realized how many obstacles I present myself in order to keep from accomplishing things in life. Presented with a nifty planner, and my trusty graph paper moleskin made this transition easier to choose because I was armed with tools that made me smile when I held them.
One of my first entries during my new business model is to remind myself that I can choose which task is next! Suggestions from the coaches in my life;
• Schedule it out, know when you are available mind and heart for whatever choice you are making
• Live your life by your personal rhythm which will only enhance the use of your skills in your business.
• Opportunites are everywhere, be open to what you may not think possible.
All the choices we have made in this life are leading us to opportunity or in a direction that may distract you!!!
Friday, July 31
A COVID Life - Episode 2 - Distance Learning
Thursday, July 23

Monday, July 13
Medicine woman
Thursday, July 9

Friday, July 3
Learning to be Me
My choice to be a mother was such a GREAT one! I have enjoyed this ride - the ups and downs, the pains and joys. Part of my karmic path has been fulfilled in such a beautiful way. Something that occurred along the way, I dimmed a part of myself. This wasn't a choice I regret or feel cheated by. It's just a point for me to wake up and say.. OK. Where am I? Who am I? and what's going to happen next?
Throughout life we have these moments where introspection carries us to a higher plateau. Or even stepping down a new path. Mine starts here. Watch for more introspective times ahead.
Can you say, ROAD TRIP!?
Monday, June 29
Insecurity - in various forms
Tuesday, June 23
Fathers Day
Each year I spend time trying to figure out what that will represent for me, and him... What does a father mean in our specific relationship? How can I (and honestly I can't truly) best show him how to find what men need? I can't because I am not a man. So I take him to do things that dudes typically like to do, like fishing, playing games, kayaking, play a sport, etc. No matter, it doesn't replace the needs he has to be shown by a male figure what that is like.
Yesterday I said to my son,"There is a part of me that gets sad each year that you don't have a father figure in your life. (My father passed away last year. :( ) I want you to know that anytime you have felt like that, I'm ok with answering any questions you may have!" This isn't the first time I have said that to him in his lifetime, and each time the response is unique.
"Mom, thats ridiculous! I don't even think about that anymore!," He says to me with a smirk. "Its just part of the way things are."
"Well that may change so don't worry about asking me anything!"
We hugged.
I don't regret anything, because that would be a burden on my life. I live and atone, and live and love and atone... clearing the path ahead for my son to follow with a loving and forgiving heart of his own. I have made many mistakes along the way, but he isn't one of them!
Saturday, June 6
Thursday, June 4
The Purple Carpet
Thursday, May 28
I am sitting in a class and it is completely irrelevant to what I was seeking from it, and wondering if I should bow out?
Will I or can I accept this need for me to be here at this moment, or, do I make a choice to respect my boundaries and time?
I have a mantra that nothing happens by chance, but its frustrating me that im being taught one thing when I am seeking another, but not knowing if it is irrelevant? Is it guiding me to a more suitable combination of what I hope to achieve with my creativity?
I need a vacation with a book and a bag of micron pens!
Wednesday, May 27
This has been the position I have felt the entire time working in this situation, and my tolerance is wearing thin around it. I don't want to be alone or judgemental or... negative! BUT I also don't want to be confused and have NO boundaries in my job description.
What am I going to do? Focus on me and my personal goals, and put this negative energy outside of my boundary -<3 nbsp="" p="">3>