Today the GREATEST idea in the shower. now I am out and BAM its gone. vanished. YIKES!!!
I hope it's retrieved later in the day but seriously, I needed a solution!! What can I do to stop THAT from happening to my aging brain!? I searched for an answer and found... Aqua Notes; the resolution. And I felt vindicated, and also one step nearer answers of how to organize my free-range creative thoughts.
So, in tangent with this shower epiphany, I realize that EVERYTHING can be available to you and if it's not? You create it and offer it to others. Leading me to, the question phase, what is my contribution? How do I realize it? Also, if its already being done, how do I do this differently?
Ultimately I am a creative. My mindset is DNA based on 'creating' or manifesting the dreams of my clients in a visual form. Easy right? It can be.
The real-life work experience has been so varied. I have been a chef, bartender, pool maintenance, manager, caregiver, ad manager, sales - retail, multilevel marketing, and B2B, Artist, back up singer, pirate (no wait... previous lifetime)... an intuitive, but the main drive for me since childhood has been in creativity; video, web design/work, writing, graphic art, and fine art. I am the "Jack of all" trades looking to master just one, which seems like a perfect resolution.
The answer is finding the voice that resonates with my clients. Writing it out and lining up the needs of the masses while aligning myself with those needs. Productively. Having these talents and experiences more streamlined is the most appealing road that can be traveled.
So with this in mind, I align myself to those that have greater experiences with FOCUS!!!! Learning and providing solutions to my own needs. Listing out my services, and seeking some support through finding answers with admin and self-generating procedures, which is challenging to focus on for an intuitive/creative person!
But just like with the Aqua-Notes, my solutions will be simple and straight forward. I will acquire this team to help my dream of helping others be more creative or realize their creative needs. And allow the epiphanies to keep on rolling into my life.
With structure.
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