There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Thursday, May 28


Woman-frustrated-on-beach-600px - Arielle Schwartz, PhD

I am just frustrated, and I can't get control! What has created that shift in me?
I am sitting in a class and it is completely irrelevant to what I was seeking from it, and wondering if I should bow out?
Will I or can I accept this need for me to be here at this moment, or, do I make a choice to respect my boundaries and time?

I have a mantra that nothing happens by chance, but its frustrating me that im being taught one thing when I am seeking another, but not knowing if it is irrelevant? Is it guiding me to a more suitable combination of what I hope to achieve with my creativity?

I need a vacation with a book and a bag of micron pens!

Wednesday, May 27


Who am I? and am I helping? It seems to me that my input is irrelevant.

This has been the position I have felt the entire time working in this situation, and my tolerance is wearing thin around it. I don't want to be alone or judgemental or... negative! BUT I also don't want to be confused and have NO boundaries in my job description.

What am I going to do? Focus on me and my personal goals, and put this negative energy outside of my boundary -<3 nbsp="" p="">