If you grow up under constant scrutiny, found guilty even if you aren't, persecuted just for being who you are, how could you not be conditioned to feel or react in defensive ways? It's no question that you would have suspicion or hate. Its given you would follow as your community collaborates, feeling union with needs that are required to exit this state of hate and persecution! The needs required to balance the scales and become equally placed within the world community. This situation is not a threat, its an opportunity. An opportunity to listen, learn and educate yourself to the pain you aren't suffering, but witness daily. No matter what you feel about who you could be... its always good to see yourself through the eyes of others, and keep refining what your goals are towards true enlightenment.
Unconditional truths and love are what we require to heal any relations issues. Understanding the energy and terroristic lifestyle that maybe another's path to climb to their peace. We are here to hold each other's hands in this cruel world, not slap them away because it's inconvenient or we are uncomfortable. We are not the judges, we are the congregation of earth. It's our duty to hold space for each other on our lives journey. How you do that is up to you. But even a smile a kind word, a hug, or a bottle of water to someone in need provides a ripple effect that creates the world we WANT to live in - a compassionate and peaceful environment where all exist with the minimal terroristic conflict.
Look for opportunities to make this your energetic payoff. Look for ways to help others get out of their own pain and do the same. Stop the ego thrust and learn to balance your true needs.
I am NEVER perfect but that's not a requirement of life. Being perfect is an illusory story told by those that 'have more' to keep those that 'have less' in doubt and fear. YOU ARE ENOUGH!
You are worthy. YOUR life means something to someone out there... each and every day. With love, I send hope to all that feel hopeless, including myself.
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