There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Sunday, June 16


WHAT a piece of crap. Look, life is what it is. We all have desires and dreams but, is that part of your life demanding others to be a way that YOU are not being? Also, I am NOT an expert, or perfect or even judging others on how or what they are 'being'. BUT we live in a world full of expectations based on self-delusion! AND we flock together in these groups which hold these parameters dearly so we can justify our repetitive hate. 

What are you wearing? Who are you talking to? What did they say? Are they political? Are they spiritual? How many times did they mess up (which is your filter, not theirs)? Why can't they do this? Why won't they do that?

Don't get me wrong here, as humans, a set of livable standards eases our monkey minds so that we can exist in hope, love, and laughter. But when you are demanding another be some 'way' for you to accept them, then there isn't love or even like there. Just remove them from your life, and find those that can live with your filter/expectations/demands (as it is one).

There. Humanity is a loveless landscape in a LOT of ways, but it doesn't have to be. An elated celebrity has a right to an indignant lifestyle, so does the homeless person deserve a right of respect and dignity.

The problem with the majority is the need to condemn and classify. That's just all I have to say about it. If you love, then love. If you judge that's out of hate. period.

Not free of guilt here but sure trying to move away from being a toxic judgemental excluder.

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