I have been very laxed lately in writting. I know that you are all missing me... (yawn).
The truth? I am still not walking. Not till thanksgiving, I think. I have an appointment the Wednesday before. So I work half days, come home, do some small tasks, nap, then on to my mothering position. Which hasn't been working out so well as of late, so I am taking my energies and concentrating them there.
I also met someone that has occupied a little bit more of my "spare" time. I am not gone, just taking my time in posting.
I apologize sincerely to my Cousin, whom I made a promise to about blogging. I feel like I have abandoned him. So, dear L., I am getting back on the shift. I am going to make sure that at LEAST I blog once a week with you. Mkay???
and to all a pleasant weekend. I hope that mine is going to be.