There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Tuesday, February 5

Buddha Board & a Published Father

Who knew, I always needed a buddha board. With a stroke of water, and a minute of time you can create a unique piece of art. And then as it dries, it disappears. Waiting for the next stroke of the brush, calling forth your inner peace.

I don't care if you are an artist or not. This little piece of heaven should sit on everyones desk.

its ZEN-TASTIC!!! peace.


and on the opposite side of things, Father Luke has published a small book of his piquant poetry. I am assuming that the battery is not included. :giggles:

Support your grass roots poets, peeps.


  1. That Zen board is like an adults version of the aqua doodle mat. Yes. I want one.

  2. omg, I want one...going to the site NOW.

    Hmm How's Father Luke's stuff???

  3. Hmm How's Father Luke's stuff???

    Hung like a horse.

    - -
    Father Luke

  4. kat: yes, i am sad i didn't get the bigger one. But thats what birthdays are for!

    flutter: i predict many are going to purchase this item.

    Goddess: get one. don't wait. his stuff is raw and meaty.

    father: stop bragging. ;-)
