There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Monday, July 2

A Passing

When I walked into my office today, I passed a co-workers door. The door was closed, and the lights were off, which was unusual for this time of day. Also, a small rose plant was sitting outside it. As I read the sign saying, "Please do not remove the personal affects of M.R. His family will come and take care of them", I got a very strange feeling. This person was pinnacle in his department. He is not someone that would have gotten fired. If he had chosen to make a career change, there would have been a going away luncheon on a Friday with drinks and food. So my suspicions were up, but I didn't allow any dark thoughts to enter my head until I knew for sure.

The printer I use is right next to his office. And as I was standing there, another co-worker who is in the office next to me says, "You heard right?". Right then I knew what I refused to believe was what had occurred. This man had been in a motorcycle accident and was killed. I don't know the details except that it happened on Friday. I had to come back into my office for a minute to be alone. I am not someone unaffected by the loss of people in my life, no matter how remotely associated.

Today? Cherish the people I love. Remind them that I care. Tell them I love them. Just this morning I was lamenting the fact I was terse with my child over nothing. I hope I can hold on to the notion that what I was upset about is not so important, and I should think twice about what I say to him. And I have to find what is right for me, no more f**king around. Love? I am SICK of wasting time. I am reminded today of life and how much I do love it. And how lucky I am to have people that do love me in my life. I can only hope that it won't end before I have been able to accomplish the few things I dream about.

Love yourself, call your loved ones, and celebrate life! We are the lucky ones. Thanks for being you!!!!!


  1. It is so tragic when these things happen and such a reminder of the frailty of life. Definitely celebrate it and remember all the good.

  2. I'm so sorry for the loss of your co-worker..
    Such a tragedy.

    Yes.. Cherish every moment..
    Bunches of hugs...

  3. That's very sad, I certainly feel for his family.

    You're advice is spot-on though. Live for today, for tomorrow might never come. *HUG*

  4. Aw, that's sad. I feel bad for his family.

  5. yea ladies. It really is sad. He is survived by a wife and three children. He was with the company 20 years, and a lot of the people in his deptartment have been there nearly as long as he was. it was a rough day at the office.

    thanks for your good vibes.

  6. Sorry for your loss, Melanie.

  7. You are so right!

    I'm sorry to hear about your coworker, what a tragedy. I guess if something like this makes us stop and think about priorities, all is not lost, even through the pain.

    God bless his family and friends and Hugs to you...

  8. Very sad to hear...your advice is priceless. I'm sorry for your loss.

  9. always sad to hear things like this... good wishes, missy....
