There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Tuesday, December 12


so... I am standing under the mistletoe,
Its kissin time!
:smack: :mwah: :smOOOOOch:

Merry Merry Holidays Everybody!


  1. Yay! I love mistletoe! *sends ya a hug and kiss on the cheek :0)

  2. mind if i use a little tongue

  3. Well, I'm trying! But I keep smudging the damned screen!!

  4. my dreams have been answered....

  5. I see you haven't switched to beta yet. Don't do it Mel, seriously I'm starting a protest and email writing campaign. Us "non-beta" users are being locked out of beta sites-that's discrimination plain and simple.

  6. Miss 1999: MWAH!

    steph: air kisses

    header: no offense. Hugs work fine!

    satan: hm.. what are trying to retrieve?

    dan: giggles. me too!

    karma: smoooches. it was an idea I wasn't sure was going to fly!

    slyde: you smooth talker you. :wink:

    nonnny: I turned my old blog over to the beta's. I had to relinquish it completely and start this one. And I have noticed that they are starting to block comments from non-beta users. Damn facists!

  7. Yay, you're back! Computer fixed?

  8. snowcrush: blogging from work. :shhhh: trying to keep that at a minimum though. I like this job!

  9. I just put lip gloss on, otherwise, I would totally pucker up.

  10. nonny-we ARE being discriminated against! not fair

    no offense Mel, ya just dont make me want to smooch you, but I'll give you a big hug and send you a cowboy your way to do the smooching ;)

  11. mist: lip gloss is not on my list anyway. i asked santa for some burts bees lip balm. :wink:

    goddess: totally understand! I expected only hugs from the women. but, mmmmmm I could use a cowboy. ;-)

  12. Well, I don't ususally swing that way, but sure, whatever, let's lez out. (You might have to wait until I have a few beers in me.)

    I love Burt's Bees lib balm. LOVE IT.

  13. hey loops. as much as those socks and crocs are tempting, I dont swing that way either! yea Burt's is a new addiction for me. and now, I can't live without it!

  14. I'm with Nonny & I won't kiss anyone who uses BETA!!

  15. so rat: where's the beso, boob man?

  16. *huggles* that's too cute!
    *passes Santa the list of burt's bee's lip balm needed in here*

  17. HEY! Save some of that for me!

    Miss you hon! Work is driving the life out of me.

  18. mayren: aw thanks! happy holidays *huggles*

    bro: dude! haven't you won the lotto yet? (((((SMOOOOOOOCHE))))))

  19. I cannot figure out what beso is. Help.

  20. I love that picture!

    So pretty! :)


  21. Happy Holidays to you too and I hope that there is a special someone under the misletoe with you.

    :hug: :heartkiss:

  22. BEAUTIFUL photo!!!
    Smooches to you too. Have a lovely holiday!!!

  23. rat: pull out your spanish dictionary. Or watch some spanish soap operas.

    pissy: its nice isnt it? :hugs:

    anica: happy holidays! good to see you. :heartkiss:

    cheryl: you too! put on your party dress!

  24. It's stitting right here on my lips. Come and get it.

  25. rat: ah! well, let me check the flight times. ;-)
