There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl S. Buck

Thursday, December 7

Daily Affirmations

Okay, do you remember Stuart Smalley? Hilarious stuff. I think Al Franken is hilarious!

I had a chance to catch "Stewart Saves His Family" the other morning on cable. And it took me back to reading his book, and seeing that movie. I personally have not been involved in a twelve step program, not that I don't need it mind you. But have done plenty of self help work. And it has changed my perception of my childhood, and my life. I am a better person for it, believe me!

Refreshing to remind myself to put the FUN back in dysfunction this holiday season! Ho HO HO!!!!!


  1. Self-help is often the best way. After all, we have control over only ourselves, and over no one else. It took me a while to figure that one out! ;)

  2. Sorry to hear about the child care troubles. One of the reasons I quit my old job is that was cheaper to just stay home than pay for daycare.

  3. dan: no doubt! one choice after another.

    loops: yea. i wish i could, but i have no other provider than myself... so i continue to march through the muck!

  4. I loved Stuart Smalley. I always think about the one where he takes a car full of kids to Disneyland but ends up at a burned down building. He tells them that Disney must have burned down. Kids need lessons like that.

  5. Oh I remember him,I loved him!

    I am the queen of self help,lol
    I've been that way since I was a little kid;)

  6. I always loved that character! Funny!!!

  7. man, i always loved stuart smiley... the good old day of SNL...

  8. I have no idea who Stuart Smalley is. But I think self-help is great, the best. I'm totally involved in that right now. I think it's much better for me than a 12 step. :)

  9. Not so sure Al would like having his likeness put on the same screen as GW!

  10. I have a "Put the FUN back in dysfunctional" sign in my cube at the office I never go to anymore. I don't need a reminder at home! HA!
