I read something that reminded me, I am living between nothing and everything with each breath I take. My dreams last night reminded me of how greedy and sick people are on one side, and generous and allowing on the other.
Who am I in that fold? By not attending to the purpose the universe has laid out for me, am I the greedy one? By attending to the purpose the universe offers me, am I the saint? Does there have to be an extreme, or is just being a "simple" being, isn't that beautiful too?
There is a limited amount of people that are enlightened enough to be in that place of purity where this question wont exist. There is no simple answer either. What I know is following my path has been rocky and part of that is my greed by not letting go of things that no longer serve me.
Everyone I have encountered in my life, even the most giving and generous, has a level of selfishness. The amount is directly proportional to the amount we trade in kind. Am I being selfish? Am I being generous? Am i being too much of either? Daily meditations help me become more centered with these things.
I do know that resentment is major, that love is all i have to give that matters, that each day offers me a chance to do it better, and that real friends are always there for you, no matter what you do.
My decision is to focus on healing my body, and center myself there. AND let me tell you that will be my biggest challenge, but I need to follow a path that has been calling me for sometime, which will require a healthy body and mind.
Everyone that decides they want to be a part of it is allowed if their purpose is to serve in the growth of peace and love.
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