Summer is almost HERE! Which means in about 6 weeks I am going to have to deal with Summer Day Camp!? My mother really didn't work when I was young till we moved to Texas, so I don't remember attending day camp. I did get to go to sleep over camps with my friends. I remember a summer at a relatives houses or church camp and girl scout camp. Wow. I love camp in the summer for my kiddo! The choices in our town are very broad. I think the only thing I didn't see was horseback riding or equestrian activities. I think I came up with a great schedule for him which range from sports to theater.
One of my memories of summer camp was swallowing a horse fly when diving off the board into the swimming pool. Please share your best camp stories! Your favorite moments... and keep it PG rated, which means acronyms!
Now for some "old school" humor. This is still one of my FAVORITE summer camp movies. "It just doesn't matter!"