Songbird has tagged me to create a 7 Things meme. She say's its for luck. We will see how that pans out, but, none the less, away we go!
Seven things about me that may surprise you:
1. I was an acolyte in my church. One of the first girls to do this in our church in the 60's.
2. I learned to swim very early. I was on the swim team from age 5- 18, I also lettered for our freestyle relay team. yea. We went to state, and I was one fourth of a winning team.
3. I was in the marching band in Jr. High and orchestra in High School. (do i sound like a geek yet?) I played the flute. I don't own one now, and wish I did. I think music is a religion all its own. I have had many debates on this subject. (since this is the music theme, I also play guitar, and sing. I wish I would do that more often)
4. I was in drama my last two years of High School (including summer theater), I wish I would have started that much earlier in my life, and continued after. I enjoyed all aspects of drama. Set making, rehearsals, and performances.
5. I have moved a lot in my life. I am semi-nomadic, and I love that about myself. It sure has made me realize so much about the people that inhabit our world. All that said, I feel like I have finally settled in a place I could put down some roots. (Had a long talk with myself about that yesterday, look for an upcoming blog)
6. I have an idea of something i would love to accomplish in this life. A business idea that I am working on mentally right now, so it will start growing in the real world. My first project will include many smiles.
7. I truly believe in the universe manifesting everything you need. Even if its bad, there is a reason for everything that happens. It just comes down to the choosing.
and a general note: I love my little man. I hope that we find him a daddy and a sibling someday. His real father is no where to be seen or heard from. Sad that. His loss.
I guess I should tag some pholks. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Loops, Anna, Cindy D, EARL!, Slyde, and Sniper Kitty. These are people I would like to learn more about!
Thanks for playing! Bring it on home bloggers!!